Solar kit for heating and to produce instantaneous DHW

The Combi Sun solar kit is the solution that provides instantaneous domestic hot water as well as producing hot technical water for heating systems, as a supplement to a primary energy source.

The Fiorini solar kit, for heating and to produce DHW, is made up of solar panels, H2000 or H2500, a PFB buffer tank, a SET 2.0 wall-mounted fresh water station for DHW, a regulation and pump unit, an expansion vessel, anti-freeze liquid and various kits to connect all the necessary components.

The COMBI SUN solar kit is available in three versions to meet the various daily needs of different situations, and are selected based on the size of the heating system. The three versions are divided, for explanatory purposes only, based on the size of the building: Small, Medium and Large.

For example, for a Medium building, the kit will have: 6 solar panels, H2500, 1 PFB buffer tank of 1000 litres, a SET 25 2.0 fresh water station, the S2 Solar 30 solar module, 20 litres of anti-freeze liquid, 1 expansion vessel of 50 litres and 6 connection kits for the components.


Range kit


Classe Energetica


Componenti del kit

11 elementi


Riscaldamento e produzione di ACS

Fissaggio Collettore

Sopra tetto/integrato/su supporto

Produzione ACS


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