Control and pump units for solar power systems

Fiorini solar modules are components that manage and regulate the circulation of the fluid in a solar power system. They are divided into various models depending on the functionality required.

Based on the model, the modules for solar power systems can be made up of a solar control unit, a solar circulation pump, a non-return valve, flow regulators and meters, safety valves, fixing set, fittings, connection to an expansion vessel and EPS thermoformed insulation.

Fiorini solar modules for solar power systems are divided into:

  • MTDC solar control unit: to control the operation of the solar power system.
  • S1 SOLAR 1 module: only for the return circuit
  • S2 SOLAR 30 (2 versions): including the delivery and return circuit, plus control unit
  • S2 SOLAR 2: including the delivery and return circuit, without control unit


Range portata

Da 2 a 70 l/min

Schemi regolatore precaricati

25 schemi (vedi scheda tecnica)


EPS termoformata

Temperatura max

120° (160°C per brevi periodi)

Limiti d'utilizzo

6 bar – 120°C



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